Most people have gone through the awful predicament of accidentally sending a message to the wrong recipient. And if fate isn’t on your side, you’ll end up sending the most inappropriate text to the wrong person! While thousands of people do this all the time, there are special types of people who willingly send “accidental texts”. It’s a sneaky way of getting your message across. Here are 40 accidental texts that were totally sent on purpose.
40 Accidental Texts That Were Totally Sent On Purpose
Most people have gone through the awful predicament of accidentally…

Dear Crush
It’s crazy how people get all nervous and worked up in front of their crushes. Although they’re eager for things to progress from mere infatuation to an actual relationship, they’re always at a loss for words when it comes to asking them out.

Well, Ellie tried to do this the “accidental text” way. Unfortunately, her crush caught on early and sadly, turned her down. Poor Ellie.
Grandad Equals Wingman
It’d be quite a story where a guy’s grandfather acts as a wingman, helping him talk up a girl into going out with him. But get this: this guy is using his “recently deceased grandpa” to strike up a conversation with a lovely lady.

Unlucky for him, the girl gave no heed whatsoever to his advances. His “accidental text” to her completely backfired. This is a burn that can’t be treated easily.
Way To Express Your Love
Breakups can be heartbreaking, especially if you’re not over the love you had for that person. Everyone deals with a breakup differently. Some people move on without a care in the world, while others get hung up in the past, unable to forget about their ex.

Well, this guy committed a big “blunder” by texting his ex that he still loves her, in a message which was apparently meant for someone else.
The Accidental Games
You must’ve watched the 2012 sci-fi adventure film The Hunger Games, which stars Jennifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth. The movie was a big hit and paved the way for three sequels.

These people seem to be die-hard fans of the movie and just happened to stumble across the location where one of its scenes was shot. What’s more, the girl is even wearing the same color as the actress. They deserve an A for effort, but an F for “coincidence.”
Good Son, Bad Son
It’s always attractive to see someone being kind to their parents, it shows that they are empathetic, grateful, and compassionate. So to use an accidental text to pretend to be a good son makes this situation even worse!

After not getting a reply out of this woman several times, he sent one of claiming to have deposited $2800 into his mom’s account to “help her out”. Unfortunately, it looks like this fake flex isn’t impressing anyone.
A Revolutionary Idea
The popular Snapchat app has a highly useful feature, which notifies users when someone has taken a screenshot of their story. This feature helps girls know who are the ‘creeps’ in their acquaintances.

Seems like this guy has come up with the best idea for getting away with taking screenshots. His story reads that the app is messing up and taking screenshots of people’s stories. If only it were that convenient, buddy.
You Just Did It, Bro
Telling a girl how you feel can make any guy nervous, no matter how confident or strong he might be. It involves finding the right words, selecting the right time and place, and also speaking from the heart. When they’re together, his heart is bursting to say it, but his lips are sealed.

Luckily, this guy has given a major hack for this situation to all men. He asks the girl to come over and while she does, he sends her a text which was “meant for his friend”.
Really Sista?
Sneezing is an involuntary action that causes people to make incredibly amusing faces. If only someone took a photo every time someone sneezed, there’d be so many hilarious photos out there.

The woman in the photo sent a text claiming to have taken a candid photo of herself sneezing, and it doesn’t seem credible. We don’t see closed eyes and puffed up nostrils. Moreover, she’s trying to pass it off as an accidental photo in an accidental text.
That’s Just Sweet
Love can make a person go gaga. Sometimes a person falls madly in love with another, but doesn’t say it right away. But the people around him know, and can tell that he is lovestruck.

It can be quite hard to tell someone you like them, which is why this fellow found the best and most “accidental” way to do so. This is one accidental text that’s actually very sweet and heartfelt.
10 Minutes Apart
If you’re on the receiving end of an accidental text, there are some things to help you decipher its true meaning. For starters, an accidental text is not an accidental text if the person sends it to you twice, on different platforms. Especially if the text is of their second-anniversary gift, along with a message which shows that the ex got a new ring to replace the old one.

To top it off, both texts were sent 10 minutes apart. If that isn’t fishy, we don’t know what is.
The Movies Are So Cliche
How many more times are people going to pretend that their cousin or little brother asked their crush out as a prank? This is something that has been going on since eternity and doesn’t seem to get old.

Sadly, it didn’t work for our friend here. You should be comfortable with someone before you decide to ask them out, and not hide behind an “accidental” text. Own up to it next time, maybe she values honesty and would reconsider.
Sorry, Ex
It’s sweet to text your boyfriend all the time and let them know every single detail of your day. But this lady is the queen of savagery if she did this after breaking up with him. Sure, you can try to pass off the text as an accidental one.

However, it’s blatantly evident that you want to rub your ex’s nose in the fact that you’ve moved on blazingly and are on your fifth date with “this amazing man”. Congrats, you’ve won the breakup.
Such A Detailed “Accidental” Shot
The woods are truly a magical and interesting place, where you see such lush greenery, as well as hundreds of trees and wildlife. Wherever your gaze falls, you’ll definitely see a bird, or a dozen, flying around or perched on the tall, thick trees.

So you can imagine the surprise when this lady saw a “singing bird” in the woods. It’s not every day that you see this spectacle – in the woods, where birds live.
Expert Invitation Hack
People who arrange events know how important it is to have a maximum turnout. Sometimes, inviting everyone you know doesn’t seem to do the trick, since most people just look at the invite and ignore if it doesn’t pique their interest.

This woman, however, has found the perfect “accidental hack” to get more and more ladies to join her event by acting very cool about it.
Crumbling Slowly
Telling someone you love them is considered to be a really big deal today, where people stay in relationships without using the L-word even once. Hence, it’s sweet that some people decide to keep things old-school by expressing their love when asking a person out.

This girl had a strong start by asking the guy out, but her confidence crumbled when the guy said he’ll think about it. She used a classic “accidental text” to throw her sister under the bus and remove some of the embarrassment.
The Cousin Strikes Again
In the world of accidental texts that were sent on purpose, one can come across simply anything and everything. In this never-ending chasm, cousins and little siblings often bear the brunt, as they are mostly blamed for asking someone out, or abusing someone from a person’s phone.

In this text, we see an expert way of lashing out at someone you don’t like, and then hiding behind your cousin. Smart move.
She Does Chores Too?
In today’s world of high-tech smartphones, which come with fingerprint and facial recognition, it’s astounding to see how easy it is for someone’s brother, sister or the infamous cousin to send a weird text to someone from their phone.

This is exactly what’s happening here. The girl is trying to get the boy to express if he likes her or not, by sending a text which, seemingly, her sister wrote.
Can’t Get Away With Them
With a myriad of icebreakers and conversation starters, some guys still think that sending a woman unsolicited revealing pictures is the right way to kickstart a romantic relationship. Thankfully, girls have become wary of this now and can see it coming from a mile away.

Hence, this girl noticed that the guy deleted the attachment as soon as he sent it, following it with a “Hey wyd”. At least he came clean about it later, but it’s still never cool.
Friends Are The Worst
Good friends are known to stand beside you through the best and worst moments in your life, and best friends make sure that you go through new adventures every time you are with them.

This poor girl was made to text a guy on Snapchat, asking if he’d go out with her. Upon being turned down, she claimed that her friends put her up to this. The guy also had an idea that it wasn’t accidental at all.
Please Grow Up, Dude
Tinder is a dating platform to connect like-minded people and help them strike up conversations, which may lead to a date or a long-term relationship. However, like every other platform, there are quite a lot of creeps on there as well.

Apparently, this “gentleman” thought it was simply natural to ask the lady he connected with the “size of her clothing”. Appalled, the woman decided to school him, leading him to throw his hypothetical drunk buddy under the bus.
Loneliness In Isolation
Living in isolation can do different things to various people. Some people take this time at home as an opportunity to do something productive or learn new skills. However, for others this is just a time to get their creep game on.

This desperate guy “accidentally” sent an inappropriate video to his former co-worker, followed by asking her not to watch it, as it wasn’t for her. Once she is cool about it, he suggestively asks her to watch it.
So Many Mistakes
Flirting through accidental texts is another trick in the playbook most people like to use nowadays. But it can go sideways if you keep doing it again and again. Not all girls are as gullible as you think them to be.

This guy complimented a girl who doesn’t know him that well, and pretended to be drunk-texting. Either the girl is quite polite, or is giving in to his advances.
End Of The Convo
An End of the World party refers to a seemingly unforgettable party thrown by college students, in which they’re supposed to have fun like there’s no tomorrow. Lots of crazy things can go down in such parties. In some cases, the term is also used for parties to commemorate the end of the university semesters.

Even though this guy claims to be at such a party, and his phone wasn’t on him, the fact is more disturbing than it is fun.
At Least She’s Honest
When you’re a single girl, you get a lot of guys asking you out here and there. Chances are, you’ve probably led a few guys on because of how the guy interprets your texts. It’s nothing that you do; many guys have just never learned how to respect a woman. The best thing to do is to be completely honest so that you can keep away from the confusion.

Which is what this woman is doing perfectly. Except the guy isn’t very great at steering the conversation.
You Definitely Didn’t Mean ‘Dog’
All of us have gone through these type of situations in life, where we know what we have to say, but end up saying something entirely different. If you get lucky, the other person manages to understand what you’re actually trying to convey.

However, sending an “accidental text” that is in complete contrast to what you say and what you mean, like our friend in the text above, you will get shot down brutally.
Such A Nice Brother
Brotherhood is a very special bond, shared by two guys who grow together and experience the various stages of life. Not all brothers love each other the same way but, rest assured, they always have each other’s backs.

However, we strongly suspect that this guy isn’t trying to set his brother up with an “e girl”. This is another guy trying to save face after being shot down.
Is Your Phone Always Unlocked?
No matter how close siblings might be, nowadays not many of them leave their phones unlocked for the other to pry into their personal messages or send an inappropriate message to someone. But the internet is full of people claiming that their brother or sister took the phone and texted a person.

However, it’s easy to know if the person is lying about their phone being “compromised”, especially if the conversation is about ‘pictures of a certain kind’.
Great Cell Reception In The Grave
At some point in time, most people have received disturbing or “spooky” messages, designed to scare them. These messages are usually crafted by mischievous friends or co-workers, especially if they know you’re a scaredy-cat. If you don’t get scared by them, it really irritates them a lot.

This is the first we’re seeing of a guy who sent a spooky message, but the receiver replied with “No”. In response, the sender has nothing else to say, except that his friend was the one playing the prank.
The Teacher Saw This
Ever since the lockdown has been imposed throughout the world, educational institutions have taken to online classes through applications like Zoom, Google Classroom, and many more. Since this is a new challenge for students and teachers alike, there have been many amusing moments in the classes.

One of the students, during the class, put up a very “interesting” comment about the lecture. When he was informed that the teacher could see it, he tried to casually deflect it and pretend it was for someone else.
He’s Such A Sweet Guy
Blind dates are aptly named, because you know practically nothing about the other person, and anything can transpire during the time you spend together. Most people are set up to go on a date by mutual friends, who are the saviors of lonely people. These are the same friends who are waiting to hear everything about the date as well.

Here is a girl telling her friend about her blind date and how she didn’t know the guy wore braces. All she is doing is telling the guy there won’t be a second date.
What A Save
People often tend to make a fool of themselves when their crush or loved one is around. They can’t seem to think straight, and it seems like their body is running in circles. This also happens when you try to talk to your crush, or even text them.

What we’re seeing in this image is a miraculous save, and nothing less. Lucky for her, the guy is also into her, so she has nothing to worry about.
Way To Begin The Convo
When you’re eager to talk to someone, you don’t wait for the other person to text you, do you? This guy is on a whole different level, trying to flip the conversation to his advantage. He probably thinks initiating contact makes one look weak, but is willing to straighten things out.

Maybe his first text was “accidentally sent” to this girl, so this is why he states that he’s surprised to receive her text. The girl is smarter than him and saw right through his accidental initial text. Thank you, next!
Accidental Or Not?
Here’s another case of an accidental text that was totally sent on purpose. It can be quite hard to tell a guy you like him, especially if you fear that he doesn’t like you and will most likely turn you down. However, you have to take the leap and just do it.

Just like our friend here, you can let your crush know how much you’re into him but making up a story of how you were texting your friend. It works, most of the time.
Off Guard on ‘On Filter’?
While scrolling through Facebook or Instagram, you must’ve come across pictures of people who caption them with “#candid” or “#justwokeup.” Basically, they want others to know that they look good all the time, even when captured at an unexpected moment.

However, in this photo, there’s no way that the girl’s mom opened the camera, put on all these filters, and took her photo while she was putting on makeup. It’s time someone invented cameras that can show what’s happening behind the scenes as well.
A Shocking Twist
Growing up, you’ve probably watched movies where the story takes a shocking turn, and you’re left gasping for air. Well, most people see it coming and aren’t even surprised. This is something that can be seen in this text.

This guy asked a girl out via text and got shot down. Then, in one of those classic moves guys often use, the guy claimed he was joking. Surprise, surprise.
A ‘Simple’ Mistake
Many modern-day artists like to put their work on social media to get feedback and appreciation from their friends and followers. It gives them the confidence to keep making good art. Artists are also inspired by other artists and choose to post their work on their own profiles.

However, this gentleman took it a step further, by copying someone’s work and signing it with their own name. He claims he’s wrongly accused, but is busted due to his signature.
Really, Really Smooth
A close friends list is an exclusive list of people whom a person holds closest to their heart. The person has complete control of who they want to keep or exclude from the list, based on their friendship. Which is why it seems quite desperate if someone would ask you to “add them to the list”.

Here, we see a person pushing someone to include them in the close friends list. When all their attempts fail, they have nothing to do except call it an accidental text.
Inappropriate Pics – A Big No!
There are various ways to woo women or get them to go out with you, but sending inappropriate pictures to show them “what they’re missing” is not cool at all, not to mention potentially breaking the law. A true gentleman never does that, and the poor lady will probably have to burn or throw out her phone now.

No matter how much you tell someone to not see an accidental picture or text, they will see it – even if they say they won’t. Definitely not the way to get her attention, fellas.
A Car Deal Gone South
Some people have absolutely no filter, be it at work, in their personal lives, or anyplace else. They often get into trouble because they’re never afraid to say what they feel, especially when texting a woman for buying a car, like this fellow.

Not only did he insult the woman, he chose to hide behind the ruse of a “drunk friend” accidentally sending a message to get off easily.
He’s Exposed!
Girls get hundreds of inappropriate texts and images in their inboxes throughout their lives. While it can be very disturbing for them, most women choose to get back at these men by taking a screenshot of such messages and putting them up for the public to see, thus exposing guys who simply can’t control themselves.

This guy also makes the classic mistake of cowering behind a fictional “brother”. It’s lovely how she uses the long-nosed emojis to show she’s onto him.